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Miroslav Radović and Ondrej Duda - fot. Piotr Kucza / FotoPyK
Miroslav Radović and Ondrej Duda - fot. Piotr Kucza / FotoPyK
Wednesday, 23rd July 2014 11:10 PM
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Champions League: Saint Patrick`s Athletic FC 0-5 Legia

Hugollek, źródło: Legionisci.com

In the second leg of the second qualifying round (Champions League) Legia’s players demolished 5-0 Irish team Saint Patrick’s Athletic FC at Shamrock’s Tallaght Stadium on Wednesday evening and won the promotion to the third qualifying round.
The first goal was scored in the 25th minute by Miroslav Radović, who took advantage of Michał Żyro’s pass. First forty-five minutes were rather dull but finished with Legia’s 1-0 leading over Irishmen.
After the break Warsaw footballers had more opportunities to strike goals and indeed, they made use of them. In the 69th minute, after Michał Kucharczyk’s nice pass, Michał Żyro defeated rivals’ goalkeeper for the second time. Thirteen minutes later Miroslav Radović scored his second goal in this game. In the 87th minute Jakub Kosecki, who entered the field two minutes earlier, struck the fourth goal for Legia. He was running across the left side of the pitch and finally hit the ball so precisely that the goalkeeper let the ball in. In the injury time Saint Patrick’s Atheltic’s Conan Byrne wanted to send the ball with a header into corner kick. However, he did it so improperly that... he scored an own goal.
Eventually, Legia won the match 5-0 (6-1 in both games).

In the third qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League Warsaw footballers are going to play against Scottish Celtic Football Club. The first leg takes place on 29th or 30th July in Warsaw, and the return match on 5th or 6th August in Glasgow.

Champions League (second qualifying round, second leg): Saint Patrick’s Athletic FC 0-5 (0-1) Legia Warsaw
0-1 25’ Miroslav Radović
0-2 69’ Michał Żyro
0-3 82’ Miroslav Radović
0-4 87’ Brendan Clarke (own goal)
0-5 90+1’ Conan Byrne (own goal)

yellow cards: Bolger (Saint Patrick’s) – Duda (Legia)
referee: Andreas Ekberg
attendance: 6.000

To check whole match report, visit this page.

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